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Garden Soil


Nutritious composition of HUMUSON COMPLEX

HUMUSON COMPLEX is a unique naturally originated ‘cocktail’ that is improved through a series of biomemetic processes. HUMUSON COMPLEX contains more than 40 organic, organo-mineral, and inorganic elements, which benefit fundamental aspects of the soil biotop and benefit the life-cycle of plants.


All HUMUSON Complex products contain elements in different proportions from the list below:

Macroelements: Organic NPK
Organic carbon: Humified carbon and Water-Soluble Carbon
Natural vitamins: Carotene, B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B12, E, C, D, P
Organic acids: Folic acid, Humic acids, and Fulvic acid
Trace elements: Mn, Cu, B, Zn, I, Br, Mo, V, Cr, Be, Ni, Ag, Sn, Pb, As, Ba, Sr, Ti
Amino acids: Glutamic acid, Glycine, Valine, Arginine, Aspartic acid, Alanine, Serine, Leucine, Isoleucine, Phenylalanine, Tyrosine, Lysine, Methionine, Threonine, Cystine
Enzymes: Peroxidase, Reductase, Protease
Phytohormones: Auxin and Cytokinin

What do these elements do in the plant development chain and a soil biotope functioning?


HUMUSON COMPLEX contains Water-Soluble Carbon and a Humified form of Organic Carbon, both of which are 100% naturally sourced. The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations stated that ‘maintaining and increasing soil carbon stocks is critical for food production and climate change mitigation.’ Ecosystems that accumulate organic carbon are living and developing, while those that are losing carbon are unstable and subject to degradation. Maintaining a balanced carbon cycle is a basic condition for the stable functioning of agro-ecosystems and a key principle of sustainable agriculture. 100% of the carbon in HUMUSON COMPLEX can be integrated into the Nitrogen, Phosphorus and Potassium mineralization processes in soil, thereby making them bio-available.



Nitrogen affects the quality and quantity of the crop more than any other element: It’s responsible for metabolism, and it’s a part of all proteins, cell nuclei, amino acids, chlorophyll, hormones, and vitamins. HUMUSON COMPLEX not only contains nitrogen, but it also reduces the problem of nitrogen availability for plants in conditions of drought and excess rain.


Phosphorus plays an important role in crop physiology and it plays a key role in energy generation. The need for phosphorus is particularly high in vegetation, the rooting process, and in flowering and fruiting. HUMUSON COMPLEX helps to immobilise phosphorus deposits in soil, making it available for plants.


Potassium plays a major role in crop physiology. Potassium is involved in water transport and fermentation. Sufficient potassium content helps crops to cope with stress in hot, dry or cold weather, and it has a positive impact on biomass formation.




HUMUSON COMPLEX contains a wealth of secondary nutrients (Se, Ca, Mg, S, Si), all of which have a natural origin and are 100% bioavailable to plants. The primary function of micronutrients in plant growth is to act as regulators and carriers. They also serve as accessory structural elements in the more active and vital tissue components, like proteins.



HUMUSON COMPLEX contains a large set of different enzymes from different enzyme groups, like catalases, peroxidases, reductases, proteases. Their diversity and richness make it possible to carry out sequential biochemical transformations of organic residues entering the soil. Enzymes serve as the catalyst for biochemical reactions in the soil, allowing them to proceed with less energy loss and under less than favorable environmental conditions.


Phytohormones are the "chemical messengers" of the cell. In small concentrations, they regulate the organized work of cells and organs. Phytohormones are strong biostimulants: They are able to increase the immunity of plants, promote rooting, increase germination, improve germination, reduce the negative effects of adverse environmental factors, such as cooling or drought, and accelerate fruit ripening.

L-α-amino acids

HUMUSON COMPLEX contains a wealth of L-α-amino acids, all of which have a natural origin. HUMSON COMPLEX contains a total of 17 amino-acids. Amino acids activate growth mechanisms after salt stress and low temperatures, increase pollen fertility and the formation of fruit ovaries, and increase the plant’s ability to assimilate nutrients and its resistance to pests and diseases. L-α-amino acids are easily absorbed by plants and are quickly incorporated into plant metabolism.


HUMUSON COMPLEX contains vitamins A, E, B1, B2, B3, B6, B12 and C. Vitamins are low molecular weight organic compounds, diverse in structure, and characterized by high physiological activity. In very low concentrations, they have a strong effect on the metabolism of microorganisms, plants, and animals.

Humic substance

HUMUSON COMPLEX is rich in humic substances. Humic substances are very important for the development of organic-mineral complexes, nutrients transportation, and increasing the imunity of plants. Humic Substances are a natural “EDTA” chelating agent. HUMUSON COMPLEX contains wide range of Humic substances elements like: Humic Acids, Fulvic Acids and Humin.



HUMUSON COMPLEX contains crude and digistable proteins. Like other biological macromolecules (polysaccharides, lipids and nucleic acids), proteins are essential components of all living organisms and play an important role in the life of the cell. Proteins carry out metabolic processes. They are also part of intracellular structures, carried into the extracellular space, where they can act as a signal transmitted between cells, participate in the hydrolysis of food, and facilitate the formation of intercellular substances.




The carbohydrate content of HUMUSON COMPLEX allows it to:

- Aid the formation of soil structure by facilitating the formation of water-resistant aggregates that enhance its stability

- Aid the formation of organo-mineral soils and accelerate the formation of chelating compounds

- Participate in ion-exchange processes, which has a significant effect on the absorption capacity of the soil

Disaccharide (sucrose)

The disaccharide in HUMUSON COMPLEX acts as a battery for the soil, serving as a catalyst for microbiological activity in the soil, and providing microbes with an easily accessible source of energy.

Calcium carbonate

The calcium carbonate in HUMUSON COMPLEX regulates water balance, binds soil acids, and improves the solubility of many compounds in the soil. It also promotes the absorption of important nutrients, and affects the availability of a number of macro- and microelements in plants.


 HUMUSON COMPLEX contains Glomalin, an important molecule in aggregate stabilization. When aggregates are not stabilized, they break apart with rainfall. Organic matter and nutrients within disrupted aggregates may be lost to rain and wind erosion. The chemistry of glomalin makes it an ideal stabilizing substance.

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